We started this film project in the summer of 2006 when we came across the story of the solar panels on the West Wing during our research for the Postpetrolistic Manifesto. One year later we showed part of the film footage as a two-channel video installation during a solo exhibition at the Center of Contemporary Arts in Freiburg, Switzerland. We invited President Carter and received, possibly as a consequence, an invitation for an interview with him on the very day of the opening.

In early 2009, Google contacted us when they learned about the history of the Jimmy Carter solar installation – by goggling us. The company had borrowed one of the panels for the inauguration of President Barak Obama. Even before Barak Obama was inaugurated, we heard rumors that the administration was planning to install a new solar system on the White House.

In the summer of 2010, Bill McKibben from 350. org re-enacted the idea of our road trip and tried to deliver one of the remaining solar modules to the White House.

On 5 October 2010, Energy Minister Steven Chu announced that a new photovoltaic and solar thermal system would be installed on the White House in spring 2011.

On 25 June 2013, a friend told us that the Obama administration had announced the re-commissioning of solar modules on the White House as part of the climate protection plan here. When we wanted to check it out, the announcement was already removed. But others have seen it too.

On August 15, the Washington Post published that the White House would finally get a new solar power system.

We don’t know exactly whether the film project and the constant retelling have influenced the course of history. It might even have prolonged the process. But we are sure that our film has helped clear up the facts and honor the people who deserve it.